When your friends who DON'T have kids complain about how stressful the lockdown is, you want to punch them in the face.  Unfortunately, social distancing prevents that.  And you probably don't have the time anyway . . .

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This new study may may sound and feel familair.  It reveals how the average parent doesn't get to relax until 8:39 P.M. each night, because they're too busy juggling work, chores, meals, and kids.

75% of parents said they normally don't have any time to relax until the evening.

86% would describe their life as a "balancing act."

The most stressful time for parents is the middle of the day, at 11:54 A.M.  But kids aren't the only cause. Other things parents constantly stress about are money . . . keeping the house clean . . . and not getting enough sleep. This ihas only been made worse by 'Rona.

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