
Allergy Medication Costs How Much?
Allergy Medication Costs How Much?
Allergy Medication Costs How Much?
Spring is one of my favorite times of the year, you have more sunshine and longer days. The grass starts to turn green and flowers and trees blossom. The only downside is allergies. I've been taking zyrtec for most of my allergy symptoms, but that wasn't solving the problem of my dry itchy eyes. After consulting with my doctor he determined that some special eye drops would help.
What is Your Favorite Spring Flower?
What is Your Favorite Spring Flower?
What is Your Favorite Spring Flower?
As a kid I loved playing in the yard and one thing we would do is use snapdragon flowers as perishable villains for our G.I. Joe's. I'm not sure how much Grandma liked us plucking all her flowers to play with, but you could squeeze the back of the flower to make it's mouth open.
It’s That Time Of Year Again – Spring Cleaning
It’s That Time Of Year Again – Spring Cleaning
It’s That Time Of Year Again – Spring Cleaning
If spring would ever get here we could start the yearly process of spring cleaning. I opened my fridge the other day and it was full of expired eggs, fresh vegetables that had gone bad and spilled jam from who knows when. To me the refrigerator is the most important thing on my spring cleaning list.