The Shocking. The Absurd. The Unbelievable Stuff We See Daily
Unwanted stuff in my inbox. Pop-ups on social media showing unsolicited bargains at stores I've never shopped. Links to videos that have nothing to do with anything I'm remotely interested in. Any of those things sound familiar to you? Probably. It's the times we're living in.
I just took a quick glance through my email inboxes, both personal and business accounts. Just keeping an eye out for some of the crazy stuff I get each day - so that I could share it here and see if it's just me getting targeted with weird stuff - or if you see some of the same fodder for thought as I do.
Now, of course, every once in awhile, no matter how absurd, I'm tempted to take the bait and click on the link to see the two-headed marsupial or the circus freak with three legs and four feet and two completely functional sets of male gen.......uh, you get the idea. Hey, it was for science purposes.
What about these gems:
I received a message from a TV Station in Chicago of a police chase during rush-hour traffic. When I went to the feed as instructed - this is what I found. A police chase indeed. A low-speed chase. A guy on a horse going between 5 and 11 mph. He was eventually arrested.
There I was, minding my own business when an email from Pinterest appeared and featured, among other absurdities, a link to a video called 'How to Train Chickens to Come When Called by a website known as
The video included 6 tips. I have no idea what attracted me to it. I don't have chickens. Now that I've watched the instructional video, however, I do have a skill I can't use.
Then there was a youtube link that was directing me to look at a video called: 10 Horse Breeds You Will Not Believe Exist. It's true. I don't fully believe it. You can see the video below for you to decide. This one is the 'Overmuscled Horse'. Um, the one on the left.