The Executive Director of the Yakima Union Gospel Mission says he wants to help people in Yakima protect themselves and others after two recent national shootings. Mike Johnson says he's decided to organize a tactical workshop based on his prior life and experience as a U.S. Army Ranger.

The training is set for Saturday, August 13 at Yakima's Stone Church

“This recent shooting in an Indiana mall was stopped by a citizen carrying a concealed pistol” says Johnson. “Our community guardians might not have a badge. Uvalde Texas showed us that police need more tactical training. How much more is that true for an armed citizen?” The training is set for Saturday, August 13 at Yakima's Stone Church at 3303 Englewood Drive. Johnson says he'll spend more than 8 hours that day to train up to 20 community members.

The intensive training will utilize the Stone Church building

“This isn’t defensive firearm training,” the former 2nd Battalion Ranger emphasized. “This is offensive tactical engagement. If you are the one first engaging an active shooter, you need some basic combat training. That’s sounds horrible, but that’s really what it is.” Johnson says it'll be an intensive training course with a plan of moving throughout the building in a series of exercises and drills.

The training is open to anyone with a CPL and especially church security

The day is open to anyone with a Concealed Pistol License, but Johnson says priority placement will be given to individuals who serve as church security volunteers. “Churches with armed security volunteers also need some policies. We will have samples of those to share too,” says Johnson. The training starts at 7:30 am and continues through the day. The cost is $100. You're encouraged to bring a lunch because the cost doesn't cover food.

Get signed up today only 20 spots are open

“The Ranger creed includes the words ‘I will defeat my enemy for I am better trained and will fight with all my might” adds Johnson. “The trained defeat the untrained. So let’s get our community guardians the knowledge they need.”
If you are interested in the training Contact Mike Johnson at 509-317-1717 or email him at

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