The show must go on. More than just a five-word phrase, this credo is written in the hearts of every actor, every director, every crew member, costumer, lighting tech, sound tech, set builder, usher and everyone who has ever faced an audience, ready or not.

It's safe to say that every single member of the Warehouse Theatre Company in Yakima would agree that this time-honored pledge has been a foundational commitment to the community they've served for over seven decades.

Jeff Buege
Jeff Buege

Oh, there have been 'bumps in the road' over the years. Most recently in 2013, when the WTC was faced with losing it's home of nearly 60 years - as the Allied Arts Building at 5000 W. Lincoln Avenue was deemed unsafe - (and was ultimately demolished) forcing the theatre group to take the show on the road - and look for a new home. Without missing one performance - they found a way to make sure that 'The Show Went On', until finally settling into their permanent home on 24th Avenue.

Photo Courtesy of Google Maps
Photo Courtesy of Google Maps

The challenge now, is in not being able to rehearse or perform safely, due to the Covid-19 pandemic. WTC hasn't staged it's usually scheduled Spring  and Summer shows and now has had to make the very difficult decision to postpone the 2020-2021 Season indefinitely - which traditionally would have kicked off this month.

According to the WTC WEBSITE:

The Safe Start Washington guidelines explain that until the county is in Phase 4, it is just not possible to bring large groups of people together. As Yakima County has been in modified Phase 1 for the past couple weeks, it is clearly going to take time to reach that final reopening phase. Rather than promote a season of shows, sell season coupons, and begin pre-production work with the very real likelihood of many delays and schedule changes, the WTC board has made the difficult decision to postpone the season.

Stephen Clark - Warehouse Theatre
Stephen Clark - Warehouse Theatre

Even though the theatre will be “dark,” you’ll be glad to know that the WTC remains active

Our mission to engage, enrich, and encourage our community is still vital. To that end, work is underway to produce and offer an expanded variety of digital content over the coming weeks and months. Look for updates and availability on our website.

If you're a WTC devotee, you'll be happy to hear that there will be a 'Winnie Awards' event - presented for the first time - digitally.

Also, you’re invited to take in our annual Winnie Awards on August 8 at 7:00 PM on our YouTube channel. Though last season was cut short, we look forward to celebrating the performances and productions from the 19-20 season with you!

To review the WTC Board of Directors message to patrons in its entirety, click here.


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