Take a guess at what my little 10-year-old Shaylee has been saving up her money for. No ... not the hottest toy. Nope ... not a cellphone. No ... not an iPad.

She's been saving up to buy a "sugar glider." What's a sugar glider? Good question, because I had no clue what the heck they are, either!

But now I know that they are gliding possums. Now ... if you know anything about me, then you know that I have a fear of rodents ... mice and rats send me into a couch-hopping, crying crazy fit.

These little buggers are not cheap, but she is dead set on saving up her money for one. And it could all be for nothing, since we have four inside cats who would probably love to get hold of this expensive kitty treat and gobble it up in about five minutes.

I've read that sugar gliders need to bond to their owners. They need to be kept at a certain temperature. Fed certain fruits and treats. Need a certain cage. You get the point: They are high maintenance.

Does anyone own a sugar glider? How difficult are they to care for?

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