Have you purchased a Mega Millions ticket for tonight's drawing? The Jackpot amount is the second-largest in Mega Millions history, at $865,000,000. The largest jackpot came back in 2018 and was an astounding $1.5 BILLION. The previous largest amount was roughly $656,000,000 back in 2012, so, tonight's prize is significant.

Of course, if you've already purchased your ticket, you're likely aware that the POWERBALL JACKPOT for tomorrow night is an estimated $730,000,000 and odds are not much better for you to walk away a winner with that one. While Powerball offers odds of winning at right around 292,000,000 to 1 - Mega Millions is roughly one in 300,000,000.

This time, I've teamed up with a co-worker to throw our money away together. Two bucks each - two tickets purchased. Seems fairly safe and sane for a little amusement and if we hit it big -- we'd go from a couple of co-workers to successful investors.

What would someone do with that kind of money? $865 Million goes a long way, even after taxes.

Screenshot via Facebook
Screenshot via Facebook
screenshot via Facebook
screenshot via Facebook

Well, if you're married and you live in Washington State, you most assuredly will share equally with your spouse, as this is a community property state and everything is shared and shared alike. So, if you think about getting a divorce AFTER you've won and think you can get away with a plan to withhold that little stash of cash - you can't. Others have tried and failed. Sorry.

Good luck!

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