Drivers need to Beware of Dangerous Morning Commute in Yakima
If you've been in Yakima this month you know we got hit with snow and a lot of it. Driving conditions were horrific with snow everywhere and ice forming under.
Now a week or so later we're still dealing with the aftermath of snow. Thankfully, Yakima city workers have been on top of it, plowing the streets and doing their best to lay down rock salt to cause better conditions.

Now our biggest worry is ice still on the roads, even with rock salt laid out it still becomes tricky to navigate over and thru icy roads, even worse is the black ice. If you're driving in the early morning you know the cold weather is still lingering about causing wet spots all over the roads.
If you know anything about science, even for beginners you know this will cause black ice on our streets, so beware and stay safe by taking your time in the morning, don't follow too close to other cars, and give yourself time to stop. Granted, emergencies still happen and leave you unprepared for the outcome.
Another thing you need to be aware of is the dangers of simply walking on pavement, I'm sad to say I've taken a few spills myself just this week due to the ice building up on sidewalks and even our ramp here at the station.
Falls can cause serious injury or even minor ones that will linger before you head out the door throw down some kitty litter or rock salt to give yourself better traction to get to your car. After that, the rest is up to you, drive safe, keep emergency items in your vehicle at all times and beware of other drives not being safe.
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