Kiddie and Kitty Care — It’s a Busy Summer at the Mathews Home
Not only have my kids been baby-sitting my brother's 8-year-old this summer, they've also been fostering kittens.
These are kittens that need lots of love to become a little more tame or some medical care and some time to get better before being adopted out to their forever homes.
I told Jackson and Shaylee that these kittens would fully be their responsibility. That means feeding them, changing the cat litter, giving them medicine, playing with them and giving them lots of love.
They both have stepped up to the plate with this responsibility. They have alarms in their phones for medicine times. And I don't get any push back when I ask for the cat litter to be changed. (The smell drives me crazy!)
I have to admit that one of our fosters (Midnight) has even grown on me. He is a little black kitten who has an extra toe on each paw, so he looks like he has catcher's mitts for front paws. He runs a little different, but it's adorable! It probably helps that he's a little love bug with a revving motor that purrs.
Honestly, it's going to be difficult when he leaves. And not just for me, the kids are pretty attached to him. There will be some tears, but hopefully when the new foster arrives it will help ease the sadness.
I'm proud of Jackson and Shaylee for spending their summer doing something positive, impacting these kittens lives.