Let Me Tell You About You Yakimans/Yakimamonians/Yakimites…
I am taking a chance here.
This could come across as me kissing a%#. I am not that kinda guy. Bear with me.
The guy from California, has found his home. Yep, I am one of the Yakima’s newest citizens. I am home.
After spending most my life in Cali, I was looking to move. Lots of reasons including having recently gone through a divorce. I wanted, no - I needed a new start.
So, I started looking for jobs outside my formerly beloved state of California. The phone rang. A colleague heard I was looking. An opportunity at the Bull was presented. Keep in mind, this was all Pre-Corona.
I talked to a few folks who worked there. They all seemed nice. They invited me to come out for a visit. We arrived in town and met for dinner @ Apple Tree Golf Resort. They really were nice. We took some time to visit downtown Yakima’s Single Hill Brewery to enjoy some brews and chat with the locals. Everyone there was nice. Heck, the dogs under the Signal Hill tables were nice too.
What’s going on here?!? Did I step into some sort of Space Time Continuum where everyone is Stepford Nice??
Keep in mind, I came from the Bay Area of California where if you cut some one off in traffic, there WILL be fisticuffs or possibly more. Where opening a door for someone doesn’t get you a “thank you”, but more of a sneer and possible thoughts of “OK, this guy is weird”. As in you are a possible questionable mental case ‘cause you use words like “pardon me” and “please” on the reg. But in Yakima, they speak my language – the language of nice.
Yeah, ya'll's is just nice.
This is part of the reason why I took the job at The Bull. Everyone there is really cool, chill and nice. Just like the people in the city. It’s my kinda vibe.
Now, I am not naïve. Nothing is ever perfect. So I have watched. Observed. Payed attention. Were Yakimans/Yakimonians/Yakimites as genuine as they seemed? Well it’s been three months and I can tell you, the other shoe has not yet been dropped.
So far, the jerk quotient has been zero. True, we are under Rona right now, but when I go to the store, get gas, am on the streets, at work, driving around running errands, everyone is genuinely nice.
Is there something in the water? Is it a smaller town vibe? Is it the slower pace of life where no one is in a HUGE hurry? Perhaps it’s that we are just 6 hours away from Canada where everyone has the “Nice DNA Gene” in America’s Hat.
I don’t know. I am still waiting for that “jerk” to emerge. I am sure I will see it. It just has not happened yet.
All I know is I am at home in Yakima. When my Cali friends ask how things are, I always say, “people are chill cool and well, nice. I am at home.”
Ya’ll’s got a reputation worth keeping. I will do my best to add to it and not mess that up. I promise.
Your Newest Yakima Citizen,
Jim Pearson / AKA The JimShow