Rite of Passage: My Daughter Wants to Learn How to Shave Her Legs
Well, it's official. My little girl is growing up. Shaylee, who is 11 years old and soon to be 12 in a couple of months, asked if she could learn how to shave her legs.
I was happy that she asked me. My mom never taught me any of that stuff, or even talked to me about it, so I've really made it a point to talk to all my kids about growing up, changing bodies and all that embarrassing stuff. The difference is that they now have YouTube.
I'm not really surprised that she asked me, she's made a couple of comments about the hair on the bottom of her legs being dark. I've asked her if she wanted to learn how to shave her legs and she's always just said no.
I guess it's just difficult to think that your youngest child is growing into that next stage of life. Soon to follow will be dating, the first kiss and her first heartbreak.
The next stage for me? LOTS of wine!