Should She Give Guys Who Used to Tease Her a Second Chance?
I received an email from a Bull family member who needs help. We'll call her Alison since she didn't want me to use her real name.
Here's what Alison wrote:
Hey Michele,
I'm hoping that maybe you can help me?
I am heading back to high school for my senior year and don't look anything like I did at the end of my junior year. I lost 45 pounds this past summer by going vegan, taking Zumba classes and doing CrossFit. I worked two jobs all summer and saved my money for a car and a makeover. Many of the guys, who used to make fun of me and would never date me will now want to because I look HOT! Should I give them a chance or not?
I emailed Alison with this response:
Hi Alison,
I understand wanting attention from all those guys who didn't give you a second glance until now. But think about this, if those guys wouldn't give you the time of day when you where 45 pounds heavier, then why would you want to give someone a chance who is that shallow? They only like you for how you look not the awesome girl inside! Find a guy who likes you for the fun girl that you are, not just because you look hot. Because hotness eventually fades.
I hope that helps.
Do you think my advice for Alison was correct? Or should Alison date those guys who wouldn't give her a single glance until she became hot?