Sugar Gliders Get Lonely On Their Own — So Now We Have Two
Meet the newest member of my family:
His name is Gaston and he is a sugar glider. My daughter Shaylee, 11, purchased a sugar glider during the Central Washington State Fair, not knowing that sugar gliders live in colonies. They will more than likely die of loneliness if there is only one of them.
I wasn't about to drop a small fortune on another sugar glider like Shaylee did at the fair. But I did find the Northwest sugar glider rescue. I gave them some info on our sugar glider and what we were looking for in a companion glider.
They thought that Gaston would be a good match for our first sugar glider, Hazel Nut. Gaston arrived on Friday and other than being a little overactive, he's settling in well.
So far, Gaston and Hazel seem to be getting along wonderfully.