weight loss

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Got a fitness tip?
Got a fitness tip?
Losing weight and exercise are usually among Americans' top New Year's resolutions, from which the weight loss industry rakes in billions of dollars. But if you're trying to exercise and lose weight it can be an overwhelming process. With all the health and fitness information out there -- some of which is contradictory -- getting started can be tough.
Michele’s Weight Loss Update [Week 12]
Michele’s Weight Loss Update [Week 12]
Michele’s Weight Loss Update [Week 12]
Mondays are weight in day with my trainer Tanner at the Yakima Athletic Club. Yesterday was week 12 since I started my get healthy journey. Yesterday I lost another 3 pounds, which puts me at 15 pounds total weight loss and 17% body fat! It hasn't been easy, and I still have to remind myself to stop saying, "I can't...