Top 3 Survival Tips to Beat the Scorching Yakima Heatwave
Summer kicked off on Sunday and just in case you didn't believe it, that sizzling season is making itself known this week. Temps in the upper 90's will seem tame in comparison with what's in store this weekend.
The forecast from the NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE is for 100 degrees on Friday, 104 degrees on Saturday, a whopping 107 degrees for Sunday, and cooling off only slightly by Monday with a sweltering 106 degrees being predicted.
Three Expert Tips to Keep Cool and Beat the Yakima Heat
If you're going to survive this first big summer heatwave of 2021, you need to use commons sense, think ahead and be ready to adapt to conditions.
Sure, all of the health experts worth their salt will always tell you to be sure and consume an ample amount of good old-fashioned water every day. When it comes to these kinds of heat spells, however, the ample amount of water you typically drink just may not be enough. A leading fitness guru told me that start with eight 12 ounce glasses per day and then add to that by at least 50%. One way to easily accomplish that is to drink the same number of glasses but make it a 20-ounce serving.
We also do well to listen to our bodies and if we're thirsty, we need to drink. Now, don't give yourself the pitch about how beer is primarily water so you'll just hoist a few more 12-ouncers and all will be well. Alcohol will dehydrate you even more, so you might be well-advised to cut back a little on the brew and take in a few extras servings of hop-free water.
I know that our Golden Retriever, 'Tater', loves to go for walks and car rides but in this heat, he won't be doing either. Sidewalks and streets are WAY TOO HOT for his doggy paws. Your car is way too hot for animals to be left in when it's 20 degrees cooler outside than it is now, so, if they're not going to stay at home, get your car cooled with the AC before your ride. Also, if it's at all possible, leave dogs and cats INSIDE where it's airconditioned and not outside in the heat. If they have to be outside, provide plenty of shade and an abundance of water.
The most vulnerable folks are often at higher risk for problems in extreme weather situations, such as heatwaves. Take a moment to check in with those who are older or less able to care for themselves and be sure they're staying cool, are well-hydrated, and safe. It only takes a moment to check and you could be saving a life.
If you're going to the beach, be sure to douse yourself in sunscreen as those hot summer rays will wreak havoc on your skin. SPF 50 and above for most people.
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