Washington State Ranked #1 Best State for Nurses
Our nurses are everything in health and hospital visits. Sure, a doctor may come in to officially diagnose you with whatever you need or fill out the prescriptions assigned to you, but the nurses are that first point of contact to hopefully put you at ease or give you peace of mind where others may not.
It's always nice to see Washington State high on any list for the sake of good and, when it comes to nurses, nobody does it better than Washington State.
Our neighboring friends in Oregon also came in 4th place which is wonderful.
The worst state to be a nurse is Hawaii, believe it or not. Followed by Oklahoma, Arkansas, Alabama, and Mississippi.
WalletHub ranked these states based on opportunity and competition as well as the work environment. As it stands, Washington State is pretty amazing when it comes to nurses.
More stats about our nurses in Washington State:
Washington is ranked 3rd in most nurses per capita.
Washington is ranked 4th for monthly average starting salary when adjusted for cost of living.
Washington is ranked 6th for both average annual salary as well as projected competition by the year 2030
Washington is ranked 12th for share of best nursing homes.
When it comes time to need a nurse in Washington, know that you're getting the best there is.
Read more about how Washington rules the roost for nurses on WalletHub.