Woman Stranded In Yakima On New Year’s Day Changed My Path
It is now 2017! A new year to get things started off right. I suppose I did. I got a lot done at my house that I normally do not have the time to do. Went to the radio station and did a few things and was on the air for awhile. When I got done, I went to Smitty's Log Cabin Café to get gas. When I got there, there was a girl sitting there with bags and her cellphone. She looked like she was waiting for someone. The ladies at the café told me that her friends had stranded her there. Who in God's name would do such a thing?
I went and sat down and had a conversation with her and found out how they left her. She went into the bathroom and when she got back, they were gone.
The short of this story is that I called my friend Lisa Sargent from the Salvation Army to see if we could do anything for this 20-year-old girl. With her help, it took all of about 15 minutes to get her shelter at the Union Gospel Mission.
I drove her over there and waited until they could see her. I admit it, leaving her there made me worry just a little. But when they came out to help us, my worries were over.
They put her up in one of their rooms that are safe and sound.
I hope she stays in Yakima. She is the sweetest girl.
Thank you, Salvation Army & Union Gospel Mission for making my New Year's Day a great one. And for one young girl who's New Year started off crappy, it ended with a hot meal and shelter!
Two things to take from this. 1.) Don't take anything for granted in the world, because,you never know what is going to happen. And 2.) take time to visit with strangers -- it might just help your life out. It did mine.
"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is not path and leave a trail." - Ralph Waldo Emerson