COVID, Politics, Chaos. Yakima Church Says Faith, Hope & Love Win.
At a time when there seems to be so much rancor and division in our country and in the world around us, it's so refreshing and encouraging to hear of a group of people who can cut through the chaotic clutter to see what's truly important. In fact, a team of amazingly compassionate people from West Valley Foursquare Church in Yakima has been watching miracles happen for nearly 13 years.
Have you ever heard of Osanidde Orphanage (pronounced: Oh-sunny-day) in Uganda? Neither had I until a friend of mine who has been a part of this great effort told me about it and the amazing children who are getting a shot at a great life who reside there.
According to Andrew Richardson, Associate Pastor at West Valley Foursquare Church, they have had a relationship with Osanidde Orphanage for about 12 or 13 years now.
We send at least 1 team per year (of which I get to be a part) in January, but we have also been able to send as many as three teams in a year. We have a team that goes to teach, a team that goes to do games, activities, and other teaching for the kids and teens, and we send a medical team as well from time to time.
In Uganda, many kids find themselves without parents and/or care due to the dire situations they face in Uganda, including extreme poverty. This is especially true on the Islands of Lake Victoria.
Pastor Richardson explains that this Orphanage began when a couple, Drake & Josephine Kanaabo, decided to help ensure that these kids have a future. Now, all these years later, there are 160 kids that are cared for; 16 houses with 10 kids in each home, with a ‘mama’ caretaker for each house. They have meals every day and there is a school at this Osanidde Village, which they attend.
These kids now have food and education, so their future is bright! We have been able to see a few graduating classes and it is working. There is a hospital on site, called Rapha Hospital (where a medical team visits and serves) which is the only medical facility anywhere close to the islands.
So, how does the church support the cause?
We support this cause by having people that attend our church (with an open invitation to anyone) sponsor a child. The monthly support keeps everything working for these kids at Osanidde.
The rest of us can help by supporting the MISSIONS DINNER & AUCTION, which Pastor Richardson explains:
is a fund raising event where people who would like to travel to Uganda try to raise funds to go to this orphanage. Some of the money also goes directly to Osanidde itself as well.
Since COVID has changed a great deal in 2020, this year the Missions Dinner is going to be a drive-thru dinner. People can buy a $25 ticket by going to the church website: http://www.wvfc.church/
The church will provide a delicious Brisket dinner to go, along with a chance to win some fun prizes in some raffles as they drive-thru. People will pick up the dinner on Saturday, October 24th at West Valley Foursquare Church, 5802 Summitview, from 4:30 to 6:30 PM.
Oh, and don't forget the ONLINE AUCTION! Many great items to bid on and they'll be posted on the West Valley Foursquare Church Facebook page on Friday, October 16th and close on Friday, October 23rd. People can comment with their bid for that item, winners will be notified and items can be picked up on Saturday, October 24th.
If you'd like to see more about this important endeavor, simply CLICK HERE.
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