State Officials Still Trying to Put and End to Daylight Saving Time
How do you feel about Daylight Saving Time? Are you for it? Against it?
Well, as it turns out, many in Washington State would like it to end and they are putting things in place to make it official.
I remember growing up it was just the thing we all did. Then later I heard that Arizona didn't.
I was, like, "They can do that?!"
Well, the idea of daylight saving time was just that, to may daylight last longer during the day as needed.
But with today's technology and everything we have, is it really needed? Most people don't think so.
And a lot of those people are here in Washington State.
King5 is reporting that plans are still in the works to make this permanent and we'd never have to spring forward or fall back every year.
The idea is we would spring forward and set our clocks ahead one hour, and we'd have to do that for the last time.
This would mean it would no longer be dark at 4:30 p.m. I mean, it would still be darker than it is during the summer, but not as much as it is now since we'd be one hour into the future.
Research has been shown that this time change, as simple as even one hour, can do a toll on public health, increase in traffic accidents, and more.
They tried to get this to past last year so they're hoping for this year.
Read more on King 5.
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