
Yakima Not Expecting Rain Until the End of the Month
Yakima Not Expecting Rain Until the End of the Month
Yakima Not Expecting Rain Until the End of the Month
With all the smoke in the air, rain is something most have been wishing for since it started. It could help control some of these fires all over the northwest and reduce all the smoke in the air. Looking at the extended forecast it doesn't look like we'll have much luck with rain until the end of the month.
The melt is on!
The melt is on!
The melt is on!
Before you take off for work Tuesday you might want to make sure your regular route isn't flooded out. Due to flooding from snow melt and rain flowing down from the mountains, authorities have completely blocked off traffic to the intersection of Fruitvale Boulevard and 40th Avenue, where it leads onto the entrance of Highway 12...

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