
Yakima Valley College Dental Hygiene Program Looking for Patients
Yakima Valley College Dental Hygiene Program Looking for Patients
Yakima Valley College Dental Hygiene Program Looking for Patients
The Yakima Valley College Dental Hygiene program is looking for new patients, and if you haven't a teeth cleaning in over 5 years, it might make you the perfect candidate for a discounted cleaning. The good news is that if you have been feeling a little guilty on your lack of teeth cleaning, this will be a great program to check out guilt-free and save some right here in the Yakima Valley. Read Mo
Ayla’s Award Winning Zoo Project [BLOG]
Ayla’s Award Winning Zoo Project [BLOG]
Ayla’s Award Winning Zoo Project [BLOG]
I had the pleasure of visiting the students of Whitney Elementary (also my Alma Mater) this morning. The students had written letters and made a presentation focusing on why Yakima needs a zoo.