
Exceeding the age limit?
Exceeding the age limit?
Exceeding the age limit?
A new survey is telling us what the cut-off ages are for things we wear, say and do. After taking a look at the cut-off ages, what's the point in living past 35! You can't wear, say or do anything fun or young! Here are a few of the things on the list:
Are Men Getting Smarter When it Comes to Choosing a Partner? Survey Says…
Are Men Getting Smarter When it Comes to Choosing a Partner? Survey Says…
Are Men Getting Smarter When it Comes to Choosing a Partner? Survey Says…
A recent Men's Health survey answers the question "What makes a woman sexy?" I was pleasantly surprised to hear that guys finally get it. The common stereotype put upon men is that we are shallow, that we only care about looks and appearance as opposed to other features like intelligence or personality. This new survey confirms that guys are getting smarter and choosing partners based on
Kids Are Spoiled During The Holidays
Kids Are Spoiled During The Holidays
Kids Are Spoiled During The Holidays
Mom and Dad are at fault. So if your kids get bratty at the holidays  you’made them that way! Parenting and Today Moms surveyed more than 6,000 parents to find out how much they really spend on holiday gifts, if they feel pressure to buy everything their kids want, and how their kids respond to the onslaught of presents...
Teachers Worth More Than Celebrities
Teachers Worth More Than Celebrities
Teachers Worth More Than Celebrities
Which profession is worthy of the highest salary? A new Rasmussen Reports survey reveals that among a variety of occupations, 30% of Americans think teachers should get paid the most. Military personnel and doctors lag behind at 14% and 13% respectively...
I Hate My Body!
I Hate My Body!
I Hate My Body!
Glamour magazine conducted a survey and found that 97% of young women have at least one “I hate my body” moment every single day. According to Glamour, “unattainable cultural beauty ideals, celebrity worship and the fact that we’ve trained ourselves to be this way” is to blame for the “I hate my body” moments...