According to the Yakima Herald-Republic, it took the Yakima City Council less than one minute to make a decision on the matter; "...council members directed city staff not to do any further research about a mandatory shift away from plastic straws and polystyrene containers for area businesses and restaurants."

That means we can continue to consume beverages conveniently. I've seen the videos, like this one of the sea turtle, where a straw is stuck in his nose. It's sad to watch, and the reality of the matter is that, yes, these straws get thrown away minutes after use and end up in land fills and oceans. Once there, they take hundreds of YEARS to decompose.

I definitely think there's a better way than to rid straws completely. The paper straws are horrible. I think Taco Time NW in Seattle has nailed it on the head with their compostable food packaging. The majority of their packaging is compostable, including the straws... which are NOT paper. They feel and use just like plastic. Can we get those straws everywhere?!

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