Rachel Maddow Show Spotlights Yakima Immigration Meeting [VIDEO]
Yakima is making news again and this time we've seemed to have got the attention of MSNBC's host Rachel Maddow.
Rachel's show featured the recent Yakima deportation meeting that was spotlighted in the Yakima Herald.
The issue of deportation has become a hot button in recent weeks due to the Trump Travel ban and the issue is heating up even in Yakima, causing such meetings as held in the Yakima Labor Union building on Sunday.
The meeting had over 200 people to talk about Defense Deport Training.
The Yakima Herald article drew the attention of MSNBC's Rachel Maddow
It looks like the City Of Yakima will continue to be split on the subject of undocumented immigrants and only time will tell what impact the Trump Administration's view of illegal immigrants will have on the Yakima Valley.